about zipcode 77006

*These are publicly available statistics extracted from various websites in February of 2017.

77006 is a zip code in Harris County, Texas with a population of 21,795 people and a disproportionately large percentage of people that are college-aged, young professionals, and mid-career. People generally speak English at home.

  • Approximately 96.8% of the labor force is employed and people typically have one car, pick-up truck, or other kinds of personal vehicle available to them.
  • The most common commute method is driving to work and the average commute length is 19.1 minutes.

Cost of Living:

Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means that Houston (zip 77006), Texas is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Houston (zip 77006), Texas is more expensive.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas cost of living is 138.20.

Housing is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference.



The median home value in Houston (zip 77006), Texas, is $428,300. Home appreciation is 62.24% over the last year. The median age of Houston (zip 77006), Texas, real estate is 43 years.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas Apartments and Rentals:

Renters make up 56.57% of the Houston (zip 77006), Texas, population. 12.15% of houses and apartments in Houston (zip 77006), Texas, are unoccupied (vacancy rate).


Approximately 26.0% of 77006's population lives in a wealthy household, or a household with an annual income of over $150,000. This is a high percentage of wealthy households for Houston and Harris County.

Upper Middle Class:

The second most common household income level is upper middle class with approximately 23.2% of 77006's residents living in a household earning an annual income between $75,000 and $150,000.


The unemployment rate in Houston (zip 77006), Texas, is 4.90%, with a job growth of 0.79%. Future job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 36.68%.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas Taxes:
Houston (zip 77006), Texas, sales tax rate is 8.25%. Income tax is 0.00%.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas Income and Salaries:

The income per capita is $62,642, which includes all adults and children. The median household income is $69,508.


Crime Rate:

Houston (zip 77006), Texas, violent crime, on a scale from 1 (low crime) to 100, is 40. Violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The US average is 41.4.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas, property crime, on a scale from 1 (low) to 100, is 54. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The object of the theft-type offenses is the taking of money or property, but there is no force or threat of force against the victims. The US average is 43.5.



Houston (zip 77006), Texas, schools spend $10,310 per student. There are 19 pupils per teacher, 2,323 students per librarian, and 1,570 children per counselor in Houston (zip 77006), Texas schools.

Approximately 33.19% of 77006's population has attained, at most, a Bachelor's Degree. Comparing Bachelor's Degree attainment is one of the best ways to compare education levels between places. 77006 has a significantly higher percentage of people with a Bachelor's Degree than Houston and Harris County, which suggests that this is a very well educated zip code .

Education statistics for 77006 only consider the 25 and older population.


There are 185 physicians per 100,000 population in Houston (zip 77006), Texas. The US average is 210.

Houston (zip 77006), Texas Health Index

Air quality in Houston (zip 77006), Texas is 43 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). This is based on new measures of hazardous air pollutants from the EPA, called the National Air Toxics Assessment. This analysis models respiratory illness and cancer risk down to the zip code level, providing better detail and insight than the previous analysis based solely on results from air monitoring stations.

Water quality in Houston (zip 77006), Texas is 37 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). Note that this is a measure of Watershed quality, not the water that comes from your faucet. The EPA has stated that a healthy watershed is closely related to drinking water quality. The EPA has a complex method of measuring watershed quality using 15 indicators such as pH, chemicals, metals, and bacteria.

Superfund index is 94 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). The EPA’s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of our nation’s most contaminated land. Our index is based on the number of active Superfund sites (over 15,000 in the United States), with particular attention paid to those on the National Priorities List which pose the greatest health danger.

* This data comes from publicly available sources. No guarantees are made. Use for reference only. It is recommended that you conduct your own research for the latest information.




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